Monday, September 04, 2006

It is getting spooky out there

This just gives me the creeps. I (again) have no idea what it is, a grub? a caterpillar? an alien space being?

It is about 1/2 inch long and is sitting on my airconditioning unit on the side of our house.

The center circle is burgundy red. Like some freaky college football mascot.

(Bernie asked if I had killed it. Are you kidding? I don't want to touch it. What if it jumps on me? Or crawls inside of other airconditioner and comes out an inside vent? Bernie did say he like the little yellow sunglasses on the thing.)

In other news...

The neighbors behind us dog got into our yard last night.
The cats were just freaked.
We're going to have to replace a couple of fench boards.

We're getting a new refrigerator today.

And I am working on a new hat!

Happy Labor Day! Posted by Picasa

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